Our rock climbing program in Pennsylvania offers an experience for everyone – from the first time climber who wants to climb on real rock to the more seasoned climber looking to advance and refine their climbing skills.
We offer 2 main categories of rock climbing experiences:
We operate the rock climbing program at 4 crags in Pennsylvania spanning the state from Eastern to Central PA:
Ralph Stover (Bucks County)
Birdsboro (Berks County)
Chickies Rock (Lancaster County)
Donation Rocks (Huntingdon County)
See Locations
You will have a different experience at each location. The scenery, difficulty, and climbing routes are unique at each climbing area. By climbing at the various crags, you will expose yourself to new challenges and grow your climbing potential.
Our Rock Climbing Program

Intro to Outdoor Rock Climbing
Entry Level Rock Climbing
Learn the ropes with our fully immersive guided outdoor rock climbing day trips. Our goal is to facilitate fun, informative, inspirational, memorable, and recreational rock climbing experiences. We guarantee lots of climbing and that you'll go home tired and with smiles.
This program is great for beginners and intermediate climbers. Beginners climb on real rock with lots of instruction on the Intro to Outdoor Rock Climbing trip.

Instructional Rock Climbing Courses
Courses for Aspiring Climbers
The Instructional Courses have set curriculums geared toward the recreational climber who wants to learn the foundational skills and techniques to set up their own climbs without the assistance of a professional instructor.
The Instructional Courses program is designed as a progression, starting with anchor building (natural & artificial) and progressing to lead climbing (sport & trad) and single pitch self-rescue. While you do not have to take the courses in progression, there is a list of recommended prior experience for each course to ensure you get the most out of your experience.